can I have stickers on my wheelchair at work? — Ask a Manager

It’s “where are you now?” month at Ask a Manager, and all December I’m running updates from people who had their letters here answered in the past.

Remember the letter-writer asking if it would look unprofessional to have stickers on their wheelchair at work (#3 at the link)? Here’s the update.

Now that I have graduated and got my first post-uni job, I thought I would give an update. I really appreciated your reassurance about my wheelchair stickers as I was super anxious about it at the time.

I ended up completing two internships while using my wheelchair and the decorations weren’t an issue at all. The first was at a local indie bookstore, so it actually fit the vibe pretty well, and the second was a mostly remote summer internship in a department at my university.

I never found out how my decorations would fare in the professional world though, as last summer I unexpectedly underwent a surgery that has greatly improved my ability to walk! I now only use my wheelchair very occasionally and, while still far from able-bodied, I can get around mostly okay with a crutch. I have hopes of improving further in the future!

I now work a few days a week in an office, and do my freelance dream job from home the rest of the time. I never thought I’d be capable of this, but the surgery has truly changed my life.

I think if I ever return to needing a wheelchair full time, I will buy a patterned spokeguard (like Izzy Wheels style) and keep my old stickered ones as a memento instead. It’s not that I think the stickers would be a problem at my current job, but more I feel the way I want to present myself has changed, and having started work I’m realizing the benefit of being able to choose which bits of my personality and hobbies to reveal at a time, rather than having it all there on show.

Thank you again for your advice and the site. I’ve read every day since 2021 and it’s helped me through every internship, job interview, and work problem I’ve ever had.

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