my favorite posts of 2024

This post was written by Alison Green and published on Ask a Manager.

Here are my favorite posts of 2024, in no particular order:

1. how much can I pet my cat on video calls?
Because this is asking the important question.

2. I spent a ton of time helping 2 employees who hate each other … now they’re dating
Because people are so weird.

3. I think our intern prank-called us
Because the kids are alright.

4. can I bring a friend-with-benefits back to my hotel on a work trip?
Because this hits perfectly at the intersection of work and life that’s so interesting.

5. our admins hate all the coffee I buy the office, but they insist I have to keep trying
Because … what!?

6. men are hitting on my scheduling bot because it has a woman’s name
Because of course they are.

7. my new hire’s office looks like a dark, flickering bat cave
Because this is hilarious and yet you’d have to address it, and that combo is my favorite.

8. the plant saver, the altruistic horse, and other stories of kindness at work
Because this is lovely.

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