Thanksgiving free-for-all – November 28, 2024 — Ask a Manager

A little late (or early), but the Friday thread doesn’t really fit and it is a “free-for-all”. Tomorrow we are having a baby shower (since the idea was all the family was in town for Thanksgiving anyway) and my mother-in-law, of course, invited her friends. Both her friends are a good 10-15 years younger than her, but apparently assumed the baby shower was just a hen fest so they invited their 19-22 year old daughters over their husbands.

Here is where it gets fun!

About a month and a half ago, one of these two friends, I will call S, had a birthday party where MIL brought her younger son, R, as her designated driver as a ploy to introduce him to her friend’s K’s daughter, Lia. I mention her name, because this is important. Basically, though, MIL wants lots of grandkids and was informed, we are probably going to have one so she is trying to set up her eternal bachelor son with anyone who breathes. Even at the expense of her friendships, I suppose.

Lia was rightfully not interested in R. He is a bit of a blowhard and only talks about himself. She is also apparently 21 years old and he is 28 years old so very different points in their lives with her just trying to finish college and get a job next year. So she exited with some excuse about how her brother was feeling down and she was going to hang out with him. Which, most ladies will understand is a polite excuse.

A week later, he managed to convince her to go on a coffee date through their moms (despite him drinking neither coffee nor tea or any hot beverage – why yes he ordered the free water and didn’t pay for hers. Why do you ask?). Afterwards, my husband and I were treated to some rather interesting… analysis of poor Lia. Like how she was a stoner and he didn’t know if he liked that. (Ya’ll, this man goes to raves weekly where he takes much harder drugs!) Or how she is young, but she will bring out his “goofy side”. (He is a goof alright. Not in the fun way, though. He has zero sense of humor.) Complaining about how shy/guarded she was. (Did you even let her speak?) Basically, he was acting like hot sh*t who was rating her potential as a partner and “unless she had any major red flags” he would date her. You know, completely ignoring her potential feelings on the matter.

Long story short, she ghosted him afterwards and he has been sad since. Politer than I would’ve been to him, tbh.

BUT GUYS! HERE IS THE BEST PART!!! She is coming as K’s plus one and her name is Claudia! Not Lia! Dumb*** got her name wrong and doesn’t know she is coming! I am wheezing.

I cannot wait until tomorrow. If she doesn’t come ready to slay, looking fabulous, I am going to be soooo disappointed. Please, girl, cause all the drama. Make this shower as messy as you please. You’ve earned it!

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