ConsenSys—the leading Ethereum software company founded by Joe Lubin—is more like a movement than a corporation. The spirit of unorthodoxy and innovation permeates every aspect of life at ConsenSys—from their products providing capital to rural African farmers to their decentralized, remote culture (even before the pandemic).
We spoke to two employees—halfway around the world from one another—about their experiences at ConsenSys (and how their work is changing the world as we know it).
Here’s what we learned.
Rachel Isn’t Designing An App—She’s Changing The Way The Web Works Through User Experience
Before joining ConsenSys, Rachel was no stranger to high-stakes web design work. She’d designed apps and interfaces for critical non-profits, governments, and Google. But by joining a team working on something larger than a single initiative, Rachel’s work had an opportunity to make an exponential impact.
“The possibilities are endless. It feels like we’re in the early stage of the internet. This technology provides opportunities to work across borders that weren’t possible before,” she says.
A great example is Rachel’s current team: MetaMask. It’s a digital wallet for cryptocurrency but it’s not just a one-dimensional app. It’s the kind of enabling technology that opens up an unthinkably wide range of possibilities.
“The most common use cases are trading, for people who are creating decentralized finance methods for borrowing and lending,” she says. “But there are uses in gaming, art, and a lot of other spaces people don’t think about.”
This isn’t just finance in the traditional sense: it’s securing life-changing loans for rural farmers in Ghana and giving aid organizations direct access to the people they’re trying to help.
Another benefit: Her work has a global impact and her team, appropriately, has a global presence. Rachel is based in the United States with her closest coworker is Vancouver, and other members based in Bali, Chile, Portugal, and beyond.
Building that global team is also a part of the fun…
Decentralized Future
Mansi is based in Australia and works with teams across Asia and Australia. She has had the unique opportunity to work cross-functionally and pioneer new ways of developing process and culture in a remote, globally-distributed organization.. As a People Partner for ConsenSys, that’s exactly what she signed up for.
“Life at ConsenSys keeps changing. I’m constantly transitioning and evolving. I’m learning all the time. I’ve learned so much about laws and regulations in different regions,” Mansi tells us. “I cannot compare what it’s done for my career and my experience being at ConsenSys.”
Not only does the company’s unique structure give her the opportunity to sharpen her international HR skills, it also gives her the flexibility to work the way that works for her.
“People in other companies say you can just work eight hours and give and the rest of the time to your personal life and your family. But that’s not really the case in traditional companies,” Mansi says. “ConsenSys makes that a reality by giving us true flexibility. I get my work done on my schedule and I’m still able to grow and contribute to our incredible mission.”
That mission is to use blockchain technology to change the way the web works. The evolution to “Web 3.0”—essentially, putting power, security, and privacy in the hands of users—is something that she’s extremely proud to contribute to. “Our people are able to achieve things they wouldn’t be able to in a normal 9-to-5.”
Join ConsenSys From Wherever You Are—Take Your Career Anywhere You Want It To Go
From HR & Operations to design, sales and software engineering—people from all over the globe are drawn to the mission and vision of ConsenSys. If you’re looking to contribute to the future of the internet, this is the place to be.
The Web 3.0 evolution is happening right now—and you can help. Check out open opportunities at ConsenSys right now!
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