work doesn’t interest me, bringing a sippy cup to work, and more — Ask a Manager

It’s “where are you now?” month at Ask a Manager, and all December I’m running updates from people who had their letters here answered in the past. Here are four updates from past letter-writers.

There will be more posts than usual this week, so keep checking back throughout the day.

1. Work doesn’t interest me anymore

I had progressed to the end stage of that job interview process I wrote in about. But what started as feelings of non-excitement turned into the strong epiphany that this ultimately wasn’t the right job for me, so I decided to remove my candidacy from the pool. From what I gather from those on the inside, it sounded like the position would’ve gone to me, but I felt no regret whatsoever to step back. I knew I made the right decision.

About a month or so later, I applied for another position I felt glimmers of excitement for. I heard great things about the team, the culture there, I knew their work well, and the position would allow me to go from managing a small team to an individual contributor role (without taking a pay cut), which was a major bonus for me. After interviewing, I was offered the position, and it’s been pretty great ever since.

And while I enjoy my work now and collaborating with other colleagues, it’s the work-life balance and flexibility my team lead offers that makes me feel closer to the feelings of excitement that I was starting to miss. They are infinitely generous with their time and energy, and they look out for their team members in ways big and small, protecting our wellbeing and always centering our needs before anything else. They also make it a point to carve out new opportunities for all of us, looking out for our career growth and development along the way. If I could give this person a medal, I would.

Although I don’t know that I’ll ever again have the level of excitement and ambition I felt early on in my career, I’m OK with that now because I’m in a place where I can do good work and be part of a team that demonstrably implements flexibility and empathy, respecting the fact that the working world has changed, that workers and their needs have changed, and that work needn’t be someone’s full and sole identity anymore. And now that I’ve been on the team for long enough to get a better sense of the pace and rhythm, I’m looking for volunteer opportunities outside of work that more closely align with my interests so that I can continue decoupling what I do for a living from who I am as a person in the world.

I feel lucky to say that it’s been a really positive experience for me so far. I also want to note how grateful I am to you and your readers for sharing their experiences in the comments section, too—they made (and still make) me feel so much less alone or weird or deficient for feeling this way about work.

2. Assigning tasks to an assistant (#2 at the link)

Firstly, my assistant’s work load was not beyond what he could get done. In fact, he’s allowed to bill up to 25 hours and he was averaging about 15 hours a week. So that was not the reason for the constant boundary setting.

The stress caused by my assistant’s “not right now but I can do it tomorrow at 10am” or “I am doing something else right now, and I can’t get to this until Friday” or “I can’t do this right now” — boundary setting responses with every single assigned task got to me in a way that I had to finally ask him to respond specifically like this: “I’ll add it to my list.”

I made it clear several times that when I assign a task, I’m not asking that it be done at the time I’m assigning it. I just need to assign and move on, knowing it’ll be done when he can get to it.

Eventually, after having to reassert many times that “I added it to the list!” is all we need to hear, that is how he responds and all is well. If there’s something super urgent, we talk about his workload to see if we can rearrange priorities, but usually he gets everything done pretty quickly so really, the timing boundaries were never really needed and did nothing but stress me out, and make me feel overly managed by my employee.

I’ve seen tiktoks and things on social media, telling employees to force their bosses into excessive prioritization of their schedule and I think it’s just brutal on the employer. We are too busy to micromanage your schedule. And if you make a mistake or need to re-prioritize, it’s not a reflection on your work, you’re not in trouble and you don’t need to be defensive. It’s part of working with others. Don’t put all of that on your boss if you’re not being pushed or over-scheduled. It’s not helpful and can turn your boss against you.

For us, it worked out though — and the vibe at work is much more productive, and calm for both of us.

3. Is it weird to bring my toddler’s sippy cup to work with me?

I wrote in a few months ago about bringing my toddler’s sippy cup into the office to rinse it out in the sink. Was I overthinking it? 100%. But I very much appreciated the nuanced response to my question! I found myself feeling weird walking down the hall holding the cup; and the feeling was reinforced by my confused coworkers occasionally calling me out on it. But to clarify, no one was ever rude about it or reacted poorly. My coworkers are all great – I think they were just caught off-guard by seeing the unexpected item and questioned it before they even realized the logical explanation of why I was holding it. And once I explained it, it was entirely a non-issue.

I was unable to respond to the comments, but I read through all of them. I appreciated the suggestions and alternative options. And I especially appreciated the commenters who “defended” not changing up my morning routine, because yes, the struggle is real in the mornings and I refuse to negotiate with my (now) 3-year-old before I’ve had my coffee! It’s not an option to rinse the cup outside or at daycare, so at the end of the day, I took Alison’s advice and changed nothing. Not only do I have some seniority in my position at the office, but I’m also the oldest in a recent influx of pregnancies and new babies among my coworkers – so I will continue to carry the cup with pride, secure in my conviction that I’m doing a social good and hopefully helping the other moms on my team (if only a little bit)!

4. I’m missing out on work conversations because I don’t smoke (#3 at the link)

I had forgotten about the Friends episode some commenters mentioned and I am an avid watcher of the program.

John was very good at his job prior to being promoted. What I meant by being “promoted out of his competency” (a term I was introduced to on AAM) was that it is difficult for him to change his mindset and have to manage his friends, interact with those who are not his “friends,” discipline staff, and be aware of how the whole department functions rather than getting input from a select few .

The smoke breaks are social, he is not going out there to hold “a meeting” and make others uncomfortable. He is a nice guy and they like spending time with him so he would be missed if he stopped going. The breaks lead to work conversations and chit chat, particularly when he and Jane walk to and from the break. My health issues are not severe enough to warrant ADA involvement.

I did not speak to John specifically about this issue and I also realized after reading the comments that for those not in his friend group his demeanor can come across as animosity, or at least indifference, which I do not believe is intentional. I did end up speaking to him about an incident where he did not communicate specific information related to my job duty but did to others who had no involvement, and he seemed to be somewhat taken aback so I don’t think he would have been receptive to having a discussion about his smoke breaks. I do plan to speak to another director, who is also above him, about my concerns. They will be dividing up the director duties at John’s level so this is a good time to have that conversation.

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